Thursday 4 April 2013

Catching up again

1st April: 2km swimming - 41'20 2nd April: gym session: 2km treadmill, 5km static bike, 5km treadmill, 500m swim 4th: 14.1km time trial in 29.9km/hr

Monday 1 April 2013

Catching up

28th March - 1km tempo swim - 21'00" 30th March - Long bike ride on Saturday - 47.16km at 24.7/km/hr Then long wait for Minnie including 1.2km downhill behind Pitfichie 31st March - 8km on Newburgh beach in 52' Totals for March: Swim: 8.02km Bike: 168.03 Run: 51.55km

Back on the bike

27th March: A quick 25km before dinner with Daria's parents. On the new bike, at 24.9km/h