Sunday 30 January 2011

Longest run of the year

13.1km, in 1hr13'20" = average speed of 5'35" per km - which is pretty good given the hill nature of the route. The route was around Delab to the Rickety Bridge, then the Pitmunie loop clockwise, ending with the riverside loop.

The Pitmunie loop clockwise turns out to be tough - there's more uphill that way around but I felt pretty good even on the uphill sections.

Total distance so far in January: 104.9km (plus the 0.9 km the machine lost earlier), so it's a 100km month!

Saturday 29 January 2011


1500m in 34'54". Tried to be fishlike.

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

Mountain biking

Took the mountain bike, newly refurbished, up to Whitehills with Minnie this morning. Probably around 12km in 45 minutes, but not able to get on the granny ring on the front derailleur. More maintenance to do!

Friday 28 January 2011


Another gym session. 1km warmup and then 5km at 10-13.5km/hr. Average speed just under 12km/hr. Better than last time!

30km this week.

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

Wednesday 26 January 2011


Back to the gym. 2km warmup at 10km/hr

Then the main event: 5km, mainly at 10km/hr, with occasional intervals at 13.5 km/hr, trying to run according to HR monitor - Up to 170 in the intervals, relax back to 150 in the slow. Need to actually do it properly, as I was wimping out at 165.

Total distance this week: 25.69km, this year: 85.71 according to Nike+, plus 0.92 missing = 86.63 km

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Slow quick quick slow

Four runs in the gym tonight, all at 1 degree of incline on the treadmill.

2km at 10km/hr pace to warm up.

Then 1km fast - in 4'45" (max heart rate 175), then a short rest, then another 1km in 4'39". Finally a slow warm down, again 1km, but at for reference, the fast speeds were 13.4 (increasing from 12.8 on the first) and a flat 13.2 on the second. Felt tough but doable - maybe 13.8 next time?

Sort of cheats on your Nike+ as that counts as four runs, and two of them fast (giggles behind hand)

Monday 24 January 2011

Yeah baby

The Pitmunie loop - 7.26km in 38'09" - average speed 5'15" per km. And I can probably take another couple of seconds per km off that, as I had to stop to let a car past.

This run was in the dark, with a head torch and flashing armband and carrying my fibre flare rear light in my hand. Just after 5km, I fell into the muddy gutter - whilst waiting for a car to come past from the front - and was filled with adrenalin for the rest of the run! Result - great run (and, before the fall, a personal best for 5km, including the climb to Arneidly - 25'59")

13.34 km so far this week. And only a bit sore in the ribs

Back in business

After a ten day layoff, I gingerly went back out running yesterday (23/1/11). 6.07km in 33'09" - a pace of slightly better than 5'30" per km. The course was the rickety bridge, anti-clockwise with an additional tiny loop by Ken and Lyn's house. No serious after-effects, so I'm back in business. I'll try for 7km tonight.

Reassuringly, I'm still 3km ahead of my aggregate daily requirement to make my 1,000km target in 2011.

Also went out on the bike for 25km on Saturday - first ride with clippy pedals. Not very quick, but I really wasn't trying very hard!

Saturday 15 January 2011

Westhill duathlon - wimping out

Well probably, unless I feel BRILLIANT tomorrow. Still got a sore muscle in the abdomen (at least I know have a muscle in my abdomen), and doctor says to take it easy.

Friday 14 January 2011


Turns out I've been posting to the wrong place all week, so apologies. Total distance this week in fact just over 20km.

So that's ok

The good, the bad...

10km running on the gym treadmill in 53'43 which was not bad. Then 1500m in the pool in 38'49" or something, which is positively glacial. Don't understand what's happened to my swimming.

Total distance this week (Sunday to Saturday): 30.67km

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

In the gym - systems malfunction

Ran 10km in the gym but the machine only recorded 9.08km. In fact, I forgot to switch on until I'de reached 2 km, so I ran the rest, and left the machine running until the time caught up. Then I wasn't allowed to calibrate the run, so my Nike+ total is 0.92km low for the year. Boo

Total for the week: 30.77km

Dog excitement

The rickety bridge loop, but met a dog at Delab which jumped up and effectively punched me in the ribs. It's been hurting ever since.

Doctor says I should take it easy - we shall see.

South Ken

Staying in London, ran around South Kensington - 6.41 km at 5'26" per km. Reasonable tempo run - probably better if I disregard a few seconds for traffic lights, road crossings etc

Pre-quiz run with Tom

Went off like the clappers to Jack Straw's Castle and then agreed a truce on the way back.

Total distance 6.73 km at 6'01" per km (apparently, it felt faster). The Nike+ doesn't show the perceived speed difference - maybe it's just the start was harder as we weren't warm.

Distance this week so far: 18.53km.

Painful rib/abdomen after the dog event on Sunday, so not sure if I'll do the Westhill duathlon on Sunday. Day off today anyway.

Two quickies

1.11 in 5'45 , 1.11 in 4'30". Both ish

More than 20 km this week. Phew

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

Friday 7 January 2011

To the tune of the A-Team theme...

"Friday night, prosecco night..."

A day off. Fab

Thursday 6 January 2011

Gym, gym, gym

No running today, but 10 minutes on the bike at level 16 (random programme), and 2 5 minutes sessions on the stairmaster at level 13. So although no running, still 350 calories or thereabouts burnt on other machinery.

Definitely a day off tomorrow, and maybe a run or bike (if not snowy or icy) on Saturday.


I'm treating weeks the way the Godless Nike+GPS application does, with the first day being Sunday. Which means that New Year's Day was a week all on its own. My cumulative totals are therefore:

Week 0: 9.43km
Week 1: 20.72km (so far, hoping for more on Saturday if the snow isn't back)

Which means I've met my week 1 target already!

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Fast kilometre

After 2km warm up at around 10-11 km/hr, I went for a new fastest km. Alternating between 12.6 and 13.5 km/hr for 1km, I managed a km in 4'35". Yay!

Then 3 km on a random hill programme up to 4.5 incline, at 10.5 - 11km/hr.

Not too much in my legs today. Gym session tomorrow and then a day off on Friday, I think.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Two today

The first a gentle warm up for my gym session: 12 minutes, 21", 2.05 km, at a pace of 6'.00" per km.

The second was fiercer: 12'11" at 5'17" per km (11.5 km/hr) alternating gradients between 2 and 4 (one minute each) - once my 10 minutes on the stairmaster, plank and pressups on the ball and other abs and hip flexor work was done. A day off tomorrow, perhaps?

Aggregate distance this year:24.13km

Aggregate distance this week: 14.7km

Going strong!

Monday 3 January 2011

A quick one

Total distance 4.94 km with the first 1.94 at 11.5km/hr and gradients up to 5.7. The best was the last km at my best pace ever: 4'36"

In the middle was a gentle stretchy 2km at 6'/km, to loosen up the legs after the constant output treat on the bike. And back to see Lyn (trainer) again tomorrow. Terrific!

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

Sunday 2 January 2011

Keeping it up

Up earlier this morning, and decided to seize the moment with a run before breakfast.

5.38km around the Rickety Bridge loop, at an average pace of 5'35" per km - only barely faster than yesterday's longer run. Partly excused by slippery/squishy underfoot conditions for some of it - but not really fast enough to be considered a tempo run, and not long enough to count as long and slow.

At least I got out there - and now only need another 5.2 km this work to maintain the necessary averages.

Saturday 1 January 2011

And we're off!

A lateish night (home at about 2am) at Max's, but stayed sober as a judge.

So up at 11am, and off for the Pitmunie loop plus the rickety bridge.

9.43 km, in 53'06" - a pace of 5'38"/km which is fine for a longer slow run, especially in the conditions.

Cool and breezy, with difficult footing, especially on the hill up to Ardneidly with packed ice all across the road and only patchy grit and by the river, where the choice was ice, hard-packed crunchy snow or mud.

Ahead of the curve already!