Thursday 21 July 2011

Warm up run at the gym

Straight onto the running machine - 11.5km/hr, gradients up to 7.1. Tough start.

Accidentally (really accidentally) hit the stop button at 9.5 minutes - so only 9'46" to cover 1.87km, at a pace of 5'14"/km.

(then intervals on stairmaster and rowing (5 minutes, level 13, then 1,000m in 4 minutes, twice)

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Long and slow

11.04 km in 1hr and 22 seconds, at an average pace of 5'28"/km (5'26" moving). Clockwise around Pitmunie and the Rickety Bridge.

Felt ok, although the big heartrate spike up to 240 in the first 3 minutes suggests more warmup is necessary (or the HR monitor isn't working quite right at the start - the belt was a bit loose)

Sunday 17 July 2011

Inverurie Bike Ride

Officially 25 miles, actually looks like 38.3km. Time 1hr29'51" - average speed 25.6km/hr (tough hilly course)!

REKs - 15km (using 0.4 times multiplier). Could I have gone faster? Yes, probably a bit.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Just about long enough, definitely slow enough

to count as a long, slow run. The rickety bridge plus the little Delab loop and past home farm and back. 7.12km in 41'44", at a pace of 5'51"/km (or 5'36" moving, and I stopped to change music for probably 90 seconds).

Legs heavy after gym session yesterday with rowing and squats.

Total distance this week:29.47km (plus some on the bike)

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Busy day - gym and bike

Treadmill intervals again, speed this time. 11km/hr and then 14km/hr (except last two were 14.5 and 15). Average pace 4'37"/km, distance 2.61km

Bike time trial on the Kemnay loop - 13.75km, in 29'29", average speed 28.0 km/hr. Personal best, including Knockburn race day (although that was 27.1 and more than three times as long!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Junk run

8.47 km at 5'26". Too long to be fast, too fast to be long.

Recorded 7.37km on Nike+, at 5'31"/km (accidentally ended early)

Gym brutality - hill intervals

2.22km at 11km/hr, dropping to 10.1, then 10.5 then 11 again, hills from 0.5 to 7.1 per cent. Taxing

Sunday 10 July 2011

Hideous empty legs

Still not recovered from the gym/bike session on Friday. 2 bottles of wine may not have helped either, but horrible empty legs at Whitehills today.

Total about 9.8 km, in just over an hour. For the running part, 9.05km at an average pace of 6'13" with lots of walking. See what I mean?

Friday 8 July 2011

Sunny evening on the bike

Despite Lyn's earlier work, I went out on the bike for 39.6 km at an average speed of 25.7km/hr. To Kemnay, Inverurie, Chapel of Garioch, Burnhervie and home. Felt ok, but obviously wasn't that quick!

Back to Lyn - for the first time in a month

2.59 at 5'03" on the treadmill. Ugly, but I've been learning to run slowly and need more speedwork

Thursday 7 July 2011

Gym session

2 runs in the gym, but still full of a big fish and chip lunch, so not great.

2.08km in 11:58 at 5'44"/km and 3.09km in 18:01 at 5'50"/km

Monday 4 July 2011

Tempo run - sunny evening, and swimming

7.1km in 35'46" - a pace of 5'02" - fantastic. It's amazing what running with a buddy will do. Thanks to big Kevin!

And then 2,100 m swimming, of which 1,500m was at a decent threshold pace. 2.1 km = 8.4 REKs ( on the multiplying by four rule)

Sunday 3 July 2011

So today's 70 km on the bike would count as 28 REKs. Which sounds like too many, as I don't feel like I've fun one and a half half-marathons. We may have to recalibrate - perhaps dividing bike km by 4 or 5 would be closer.

Bike ride to Stonehaven

A trip to Stoney, and then the Stonehaven half marathon course (don't even think about it), and then back.

First leg: 22.65 at 26.3km/hr.
Second leg: 20.73km, average moving speed slow, as tracking the runners - 21.6km/hr
Third leg: 25.72km, average moving speed 26.1km/hr

Total distance 69.1km (although some tiny drop outs probably make it at least 70)

Saturday 2 July 2011

Trip to the beach

Two runs: 2.26km and 6.94km - at 6'06"/km and 5'38"/km - but on sand, so that's not all bad. And the first run including some hanging arond.

Total distance: 9.2km

Friday 1 July 2011

Distance check - half year

So, half the year is gone

Mileage during June on the Nike+ was 76.49km, plus 9.6 km at Knockburn standard tri, 4.5 km at Stonehaven novice tri, and (I think) about 250m missing on the Nike+ from other errors.

So total for June: 91.24km

Total for year so far: nike+ says 579.74, plus 9.6 km at Knockburn standard tri, 4.5 km at Stonehaven novice tri, and about 1 more km missing from other funnies. Let's call it 594.84 for the half year. Well ahead of the 1,000km target.

For the second half, I'll go with distances on the Garmin.

Also, need to develop a formula under which bike miles are multiplied by 0.4, swim miles multiplied by 4 to give "run equivalent kilometres" (or REKs). With a target of 1,500 for this year.

On that basis, I can add 52.4 bike REKs, ( 131 km so far on the Garmin), and 5.4 km open water plus 10km in the pool on Monday nights - adding 61.6 swim REKS. Mid year total in REKS: 708.8 km