Thursday 29 September 2011

Two rides, including time trial

The first anti-clockwise around the Pitmunie loop - 6.96km, average speed 26.7 km/hr. ok, but a bit slow to start.

Then the time trial loop - 13.97km at 30.0 km/hr (Yay!)

Total 20.93km today

Time trial used the Garmin for cadence and heart rate - not speed. Big help

Evening run

A very fine, end of indian summer, 6.24km at 5'26"/km - which wasn't bad as still recovering from the WWT.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Oops, forgot a gym trip

Went to the gym on Thursday before the WWT on the Sunday - and did a total of 4 km - 2km at 10km/hr as a warm up, and then another one at about the same speed (I think).

So that adds another 4km to the September total: 50km at the end of Thursday 22nd.

57.50 by the end of the WWT

Tuesday 27 September 2011

West Wight Triathlon 2011

Race day dawned grey and a bit breezier than yesterday.
Swim 11'59" (15" better than last time), bike 76'56" (2 minutes 56" worse - windier?), run 40'01" (33" worse).

T1 and T2 slightly slower - by 17" - shoe changing?

Overall 2 hours 11'13" = 2 minutes 11 seconds worse than last time.

Legs felt very heavy in the run - did we overdo it in the warmup?

Pre West Wight Tri warmup bike

About 35km, at a nice easy pace on a lovely sunny afternoon.

Monday 19 September 2011

Distance check - 19th September

No real reason for a cumulative distance check, but just wanted to be sure I'm still on target as September has been a little low on mileage (half marathon recovery and now tapering for West Wight tri)

At the end of August, cumulative total was 686.56 (up to end July) plus 91.26km in August = 777.82km. To date in September, we have 46.07km, making the grand total 823.89km. As a small consolation, there's been some swimming and 28km on the bike too.

So that leaves 177 km left to run, in the just over 100 days left in the year. 11 whole days left in September, plus 92 days in October, November and December. 103 days = 1.72km each day or 12 km/week.

Looking good (subject to no injuries) for the 1,000km target

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Two and a half parks

From the Cadogan to St james', Green and Hyde Park (Serpentine only). 8.28km in 45'5", of which 1 minute was stationary (traffic light etc).

Average moving speed: 5'20"/km

Slightly ruined by rolling over my ankle at Knightsbridge on the way back. But not too serious

Monday 12 September 2011

Swim training

Between 1600 and 1800 m in the pool tonight. And this after a tough abs/legs strength session in the gym today. That VIPR is a killer!

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

Saturday 10 September 2011

Sluggish above Donview

A run with Minnie and Judith above Donview. Very slow, sluggish, stiff tired legs (I blame Lyn).

4.42 km in 26'39" - 6'01"/km

Back to Lyn

Back in the gym, with a ten minute 11.5km random hill run to start things off. That was ok (1.84 km according to Garmin, which needs calibrating), but the VIPR session has left me stiff!

Thursday 8 September 2011

Gym session - half marathon recovery

A 2 km warm up at 10/11 km/hr and then 5km at 10/11/12 km/hr on the treadmill.

Captured by the Garmin as 2 and 4.84, but really 2 and 5.

Legs still a bit wobbly from half marathon, but on the mend.

Tuesday 6 September 2011


Still wobbly post half marathon. 2km swimming at David Lloyd.

Went through 600m in 11'51". 1500 in 30'42" and then the last 500 working (a bit) on stroke count. Got down to 16 at best but averaging 20. Yuck

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

Sunday 4 September 2011

Moray Half Marathon

Well, today was race day.

21.1 km in a sunny 17-18 degrees, from Gordonstoun via Lossiemouth to Elgin. Total time 1hr55'13" at a pace of 5'26"/km.

The first 5 miles to Lossie were nice, the middle 3 I can barely remember, but things were slowing down, and the last 5 were hard. After I was overtaken by a tele tubby with five miles to go, my legs really felt heavy and the pace seemed to slow dramatically (although the Garmin analysis shows a steady decline in pace, except for a burst over the last 10 minutes - or 2 km - which were mostly downhill or the finish).

Average heart rate 169 for the full race, with the peak at 178 at the finish

I went through 10km in 51'20", which was a PB, but the second half took a lot longer!

Friday 2 September 2011

Gym swim

Grabbed a window of opportunity for a 1500m swim in the pool - wearing new "parachute pants" which increased my stroke count from 16 (best) to about 20! No idea how fast, but at least a few metres added