Sunday 4 September 2011

Moray Half Marathon

Well, today was race day.

21.1 km in a sunny 17-18 degrees, from Gordonstoun via Lossiemouth to Elgin. Total time 1hr55'13" at a pace of 5'26"/km.

The first 5 miles to Lossie were nice, the middle 3 I can barely remember, but things were slowing down, and the last 5 were hard. After I was overtaken by a tele tubby with five miles to go, my legs really felt heavy and the pace seemed to slow dramatically (although the Garmin analysis shows a steady decline in pace, except for a burst over the last 10 minutes - or 2 km - which were mostly downhill or the finish).

Average heart rate 169 for the full race, with the peak at 178 at the finish

I went through 10km in 51'20", which was a PB, but the second half took a lot longer!

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