Friday 1 July 2011

Distance check - half year

So, half the year is gone

Mileage during June on the Nike+ was 76.49km, plus 9.6 km at Knockburn standard tri, 4.5 km at Stonehaven novice tri, and (I think) about 250m missing on the Nike+ from other errors.

So total for June: 91.24km

Total for year so far: nike+ says 579.74, plus 9.6 km at Knockburn standard tri, 4.5 km at Stonehaven novice tri, and about 1 more km missing from other funnies. Let's call it 594.84 for the half year. Well ahead of the 1,000km target.

For the second half, I'll go with distances on the Garmin.

Also, need to develop a formula under which bike miles are multiplied by 0.4, swim miles multiplied by 4 to give "run equivalent kilometres" (or REKs). With a target of 1,500 for this year.

On that basis, I can add 52.4 bike REKs, ( 131 km so far on the Garmin), and 5.4 km open water plus 10km in the pool on Monday nights - adding 61.6 swim REKS. Mid year total in REKS: 708.8 km

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