Saturday, 26 February 2011

Down the gym - again

Four runs in the gym - 2.04km at 10-10.5km/hr as a warmup. Then an attempt at some speed work - 0.51km and 052km. Horrible.

More stretching, then 1.03km at 4'29" per km as a more successful fast run.

Total distance for the week: 31.85km

Total distance for the month: 92.57km

Total distance for the year (according to Nike+: 197.49km (plus another maybe 1.5 from Nike+ errors and dropouts

Still well on target!

Thursday, 24 February 2011

The Parks (episode 2)

Another run in London, based at the Rembrandt. Nice morning, early start, up Exhibition road, and then around Hyde Park, Green Park and St James' Park. A total of 10.37km, at a pace of 5'27"/km and a total time of 1 hour, 2'5"

Apparently a PB for the 10k - 54'24 or something like it - still a way off the 50 minute target for an outdoor 10k.

Total distance this week already 27.7km, and only 12km to do before the end of Monday to make it another 100km month

Shaking out the legs

Went for about 6km (Rickety Bridge Loop) early on Tuesday, to shake out the post race blues. The first km was lost by the Nike+for some reason, but it collected the other 5.03km in 26'30" - a pace of 5'16" which was pretty good.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Inverurie Duathlon - race day

Very cold (4 degrees) and windy (northeasterly), and damp.

First run: 24'03" for an official 5km (although Nike+ had it as 4.1 km). 3)" in transition as I put shoes and bike helmet on, and then the 21km bike run in 51'14". Average speed 24.6km/hr. Really didn't like the wind and damp, although I did touch 58km/hr at one point. Then T2 (24"), and the second run in 24'57". Total time 101'12" - slightly outside the target, mainly due to slower than hoped cycling.

Short warmup jog

Inverurie Duathlon: 1.3km in 7'44" - a pace of 5'55" per km. Just a warmup (in fact a run to the swimming pool to go to the loo!)

Friday, 18 February 2011

Warm up

2.04km at 10km/hr

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Back in the pool

1,500 m in 32'45" (personal best, I think). Trying to swim long and swing from hip to hip, which seemed to go ok.

Gym nasty

2.4 km at 12km/hr (5'/km) at alternating gradient 2 degrees and 4 degrees (one minute each). :Last minute at 5 degrees for a final insult.

Sweaty. Proved max heart rate is 174 bpm

Monday, 14 February 2011

Warm up

Just 1km at 6' per km as a gym warm up

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

St Valentine's Day Massacre - not really

Up for a quick 5+km loop before work. I think the Nike+ was being over generous, as the first 4km were all apparently at 4'23"+/- 2 seconds, and really didn't feel that fast. Turns out the machine didn't find the satellites until km number 4.

The rickety bridge loop scored 6.3 km, which is longer than it should be.

Anyway, it goes down as a PB, and 6.33 km to start the week (which should be a light week as there's the Bennachie duathlon on Sunday).

Sunday, 13 February 2011


Staying in Somerset there was a 1.7 km loop by the house. 3 laps at 5'18"/km.

Apologies for brevity - posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Three parks

8.42km at 5'34"/km in two runs around three of London's great parks: St James', Green and (some of) Hyde Park.

Beautiful morning, with the sun rising, mist on the Serpentine, Buckingham Palace etc etc

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Gym session - what a lot of runs

First a slow warm-up - 1.00 km at 5'45"/km

Then into a gym session with Lyn - a warm-up on the bike, then stretching, then abs and then 3 x 1km runs at 12.5, then 13.0, then 13.5 km/hr.


1.00 km at 4'49"/hr
1.00 km at 4'37"/hr
1.00 km at 4'25"/hr

And then a longer slower run: 6.71km in 40'14", at 5'59" per km

So of to a great start for the week with 10.73km under my belt already

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Back on the bike

10.3km on the mountain bike with the dog running alongside! I don't know if her barking means go faster or go slower! Very slow, but work to do on the bike now. Recorded on

Friday, 4 February 2011

Another 5km, some quick

1.05 km at 5'37"/km
1.01 km at 4'29"/km (yay)
3.03 km alternating every 200m, 10km/hr and 13.5km/hr. Average pace 5'07"/km

Total distance this week: 31.61km
Total distance this year: 123.41 km (plus the missing 0.92km)


A five km run at less than 5'/km. Yay. The details: 5.06km in 24'51" - a pace of 4'54"/km. Also a 1km warmup run.

On the treadmill - but I think this was a first genuine less than 5'/km run.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Another month begins

with 7.29km around the Pitmunie loop at a pace of 5'25". Early in the morning. Sun rising - nice!

And I've gone to the blue level on Nike+, meaning I've now completed 1,000km running since the end of 2009.